 Store Checkout Signature  To connect with non-bikers and extend our reach, we’ll partner with grocery stores. On the digital checkout screen, we’ll include a checkbox and ask people to add their names to our cause—no money or commitments needed.&nbs
 Bike Shop Pledge  Bike shops already support our cause. But more often than not, their support is expressed via a lonely, deserted clipboard that’s hanging somewhere in the corner. So to shake things up and draw some attention to our cause, we’ll pa
 Bike-Sharing Partnership  In order to spread our message to casual bikers, we’ll partner with bike-sharing brands such as Denver’s B-cycle. We’ll place QR codes and short messages on the bikes, as well as brand parts of the racks for passersby. The
 Mobile APP Partnership  Runners and cyclists like to use mobile applications (e.g. Cycle Meter, iMapMyRide) as part of their practice regimen, for motivation, tracking, and optimization. Many of these apps have sharing options, allowing users to pos
 Bike Lane Icon Graphic  Many people rely on their bicycle as their main form of transportation. But not all are aware of the risk of losing the funding for bike safety and infrastructure. So to draw some attention, we’ll create stencils of our logo
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